Cartoon HD was launched exclusively for the Android platform back in 2013. It is a free to use app that lets users watch movies, shows and TV series on smartphones and tablets. It is full of really good features that make the overall user-experience amazing. Cartoon HD has a good collection of all of the latest shows, movies and much more. It is far better than OTT apps out there like Netflix and Prime Video as there is no subscription fee. You will find all of the popular content from every OTT platform and filmmaker over here.
This app does not contain software bloats – that often cause a lot of trouble to many smartphone users. These bloats cause unnecessary lags and sudden jitters even on the most powerful devices. Talking about playback quality, CartoonHD does not compromise on the overall quality even a wee bit. Users are presented with the best of content at all times. You can either download the movies/shows whenever you want to or you can play them internally for free. Moreover, this app does not require any additional permissions like root access or registration in order to function. Download it for your smartphones and tablets today.
Features of Cartoon HD 3.6.8
- It provides a great movie watching/downloading experience on all the devices. Thanks to its advanced internal video player, you get a mini cinema-like experience on this app.
- It lets you download every single video that you come across. This includes every show, series and anime/cartoon.
- Talking about playback quality then Cartoon HD provides the best available playback quality for all the videos. Every movie/show is available at up to 1080p resolution.
- It also comes with a data saver mode that ensures your internet data is saved even while playing online content.
- Its advanced video compression engine ensures that the load on processor and battery is reduced even while playing Full HD content.
How to download Cartoon HD 3.6.8?
You will first have to download the APK file from the link given below. Once the APK has been downloaded, simply install it using side-loading. Done.